Uluru with Stephen and Bernie

Bernie & Stephen's Home Pages


Mary's 90th
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Mary up close

Aunty Mary's 90th Birthday - July 2001


The 488 year old Choir

From the left: Leo (76), Tess (80), Mary (90), Jack (86), Phil (84) and Pat (72); At the time the photo was taken in 2001.
As at 2022, unfortunately Mary, Leo, Dad (not in this photo), Jack (up to 2008), Tess, Phil {2013) and Pat (2022) have all now passed away, but they live on in our memories.

graham & his mum mary, geoff & pat

Graham with his Mum and Mary with Bernie's parent's

msc sisters

Some of the MSC Sisters

Mary's sister Phil is Sister Bernadette MSC and has lived and worked in Papua New Guinea since 1947. Most family functions include the MSC sisters as extended family.

The Family

the grand children mary's children

On the left are Mary's Grandchildren and on the right are all her children and their spouses.