Uluru with Stephen and Bernie

Bernie & Stephen's Home Pages


Home Page

Welcome to our home page

Header Photo: Stephen and Bernie stand in front of a rock in our backyard - Uluru (Ayer's Rock), Australia.

2022 update to the design of the pages. Menu is now under a "Hamburger" symbol on the left side of the above header panel. Click to see menu and use the X to close or select the next page you wish to visit.

September 11th - Special for 2 Reasons

  1. It will be our th Wedding anniversary (married 1993)
  2. A couple of big building came tumbling down in 2001.
View 1 from Twin Towers, NY View 2 from Twin Towers, NY

These views taken during a trip to New York for work in November 1992, just before the first bomb attack on the basement car park. The two pictures join together to give a panoramic view. The shadows are from the twin towers over Manhattan.


Pink Lakes

Photo of Pink Lakes in the Yanga-Nyawi (Murray-Sunset) National Park, 1999.

We had a trip to Pink Lakes in the Yanga-Nyawi (Murray-Sunset) National Park, west of Ouyen in Victoria in 1999. These lakes have a natural pink tinge, due to bacterial activity, to the salt that forms. The salt was mined until the 1960's. (The Photo does not pick up the pink colour very well!).



We moved house in July 2007 into a brand new Simonds Home! These links tell the story of building your own home and some of the problems.